
Generate job applications among Gen-Z for Buzzworks’ venues across Scotland.

Our Solution

Tapping into Gen-Z

A 3-month TikTok recruitment campaign collaborating with 8 Scottish creators to encourage job applications among a Gen-Z audience. Utilising a streamlined application process, we worked with a diverse range of creators, including food reviewers, lifestyle creators and comedians, in order to tap into different communities within TikTok and encourage applications from all corners of the platform across Scotland.

  • 2,500,000


  • 10,000


  • 850

    Job Applications

Some of the creators we worked with...

  • Elly McNeill

  • Glasgow Food Gal

  • Glasgow Noms

  • Steven Mckell

Ready to TikTok?

Contact us now. We'd love to hear from you!

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